Guidelines for Poster Presentation
- All posters are displayed in one of two 90 minutes long poster sessions. (See the programme.) Poster presenters are expected to be nearby to explain the details and answer questions.
- Each presenter will have up to 2 minutes for spotlight presentation and can prepare 2-3 slides for that. The aim of spotlights is only to invite other conference participants to come to the poster, not to explain the content of the poster!
- The authors should place their poster during the last coffee break before the respective poster session.
- The dimensions of the poster boards are 1050 x 1450 mm (width x height)
which makes them suitable for A0 size (841 x 1189 mm) posters
in the portrait orientation.
- To print your poster in Prague, you can contact a nearby (few hundred metres from the venue) printing company, preferably by email The price for high quality paper poster is roughly 1.500 CZK in case of print and go service and about half if you can pick it up few days later.
Guidelines for Oral Presentation
The allocated time for non-workshop talks is 25 minutes, the remaining 5 minutes are allocated for the discussion. Two workshop oral presentations are planned for 15 minutes. The pdf-versions of oral presentations should be uploaded to a prepared laptop (PC).